Durai Uncle’s 80th birthday song
- Trixie Asirvatham
Durai Uncle's 80th birthday was celebrated in May 1999, the same year that my Mum
(Dr. Kitty David) turned 75 in December. We sang this song for Durai Uncle at Mahabalipuram where Roshini, his daughter
organised a lovely family get-together at the Scripture Union Camp. We sang it to a medley
of different tunes to reflect the multi-faceted kaleidoscope and the changing tempo of his life.
Mary’s Boy Child
Long time ago in Rangoon
A little baby boy was born
Joseph Durairaj, son of Doctor
Masilla Mony and Thangam Mony.
Trumpets sound and angels sing
on him today
And our celebrations ring
With 80 glorious years.
Tune: Female Wrestler
Young Durai was a boxer
and a football player
He excelled at Gabriel’s
with double promotions TWO,
He finished engineering
at eighteen and a half,
noted for his singing
and for his boisterous laugh.
Ho! Ho! Ho! the rafters tremble
With Durai
Uncle’s laugh
Did you know he was the youngest
member of the staff?
He taught engineering students
than himself,
Joined the Public Works Department
at the age of twenty-one.
Tune: Little Peter Rabbit
It was in 1942 that World War Two began
joined the Army with “essential” personnel
He took charge of Rangoon
airport, keeping runways clear
Danger he did not fear.
Seventy Jap’nese bombers rent the air
of people dying everywhere
“Vacate this town!” the British said, and people fled,
And Durai joined the rest.
Tune: When the saints go marching in
And so Durai went marching on
He went through rain and flood
and storm
Through Jap’nese gunfire in the jungles
He went from Burma
to India.
Up hill and dale for 21 days
rice and salt he ate
Through disease and death and hunger
The Lord protected him from harm.
Tune: Surangani
In India at CPWD he made his mark
Pragati Maidan, churches and public works galore
roads he made in NEFA brought
the Padmashri award
The Delhi Media Centre is his pet project today.
Chorus: 80 years, 80 years,
The master
builder continues to build,
Durai Uncle, Durai Uncle,
We’re proud of your abilities so rare.
Tune: Jamaica
On the second of May in 1951
He married Doctor
Mabel at Bangalore
Three doctor daughters and an engineer son
And three grandchildren make their joy complete.
So we’re glad to say we’re here
To wish them joy in all their days
We thank the Lord for this loving pair
May he bless them with health and
Tune: "The
cup of life" by Ricky Martin where the chorus goes
"Alle Alle Alle!'
80 years, we celebrate today
80 years
of service and of praise
We love you Durai uncle dear
God bless you with every perfect gift. (Repeat)